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Value of Charged Fees

Total amount of fees that your company has charged in the last period.

Value of Charged Fees

What is Value of Charged Fees?

This KPI is especially relevant for SaaS companies that offer subscriptions to the product/service, because it keeps track of the charges made for it, usually on a monthly basis. However, it also counts special fees that might not be directly related to the subscription itself, but to maintenance, premium service, update, etc.

Therefore, this KPI brings you a more accurate insight into your fees and the amount the company earns from them. It’s an interesting metric to keep an eye on, in order to react fast to it if it has a sudden change - either positive or negative.

It also gives you an overview of your finance in the short term, so you can incorporate this KPI into your decision-making and promote a data-driven decision for your business’ strategy in regards to fees.

Pre-built widgets to display Value of Charged Fees

Value of Fee Costs vs Last Month

month to date

Value of Fee Costs vs Last Month

How to calculate Value of Charged Fees?
Sum(New Charged Fee,Amount)
Supported integrations
Stripe Stripe

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