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Number of Ad Conversions

Amount of people that carry out a certain action after seeing your ad.

Number of Ad Conversions

What is Number of Ad Conversions?

This KPI shows how well or bad your ads are performing, and whether your marketing strategy needs some adjustments to improve it. In other words, this metric is about how many of the people seeing your ad is actually doing what you wanted them to.

A conversion is a defined option that you want your audience to carry out. It varies depending on the moment, the company and the content you are posting. For example, you can create an ad for people to subscribe to the newsletter. In this example, it would count as conversion every time a user presses the button to subscribe. In other cases it can be, for instance, filling a survey, creating an account or actually buying something.

Businesses often go for the most conversions they can get, although this might not necessarily be your goal. Every conversion serves a different purpose, so it’s relevant to determine an exact number - or at least approximation - that wants to be reached on each occasion.

Pre-built widgets to display Number of Ad Conversions

Number of Ad Conversions


Number of Ad Conversions

Number of Ad Conversions per Day

month to date

Number of Ad Conversions per Day

Number of Ad Conversions vs Last Month

month to date

Number of Ad Conversions vs Last Month

How to calculate Number of Ad Conversions?
    Sum(New Ad Spend Report,Conversions)

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