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call-centers_1 articles

Call center Motivation Blog Header

8 Tips to Motivate Call Center Agents

Discover 8 proven tips to motivate call center agents to feel pride and satisfaction in their work, provide better service, and stay in their jobs longer!

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Service Level Agreement blog header
Customer Service

Service Level Agreements in Call Centers: A Complete Guide

Learn why you should implement a service level agreement – and discover the 5 must-track SLA metrics and 6 ways to unlock unparalleled call center performance!

Telemarketing kpis
Sales performance

11 Telemarketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking

Discover the 11 telemarketing KPIs you should be tracking if you want to make more data-informed decisions while giving your team measurable targets to work toward.

First Contact Resolution Blog Header

A Guide to First Contact Resolution (FCR)

Find out why first contact resolution matters, discover your ideal target FCR – and get a 4-step plan for handling complex calls without sacrificing CSAT.

Average Handle Time (AHT) blog header

A Guide to Average Handle Time (AHT)

Find out why average handle time (AHT) is a crucial call center KPI, and an important customer satisfaction driver – and discover 3 ways to improve it!

Energy KPIs blog header
Customer Service

10 Essential Energy KPIs for Home Energy Providers

Discover 10 crucial energy KPIs that can help your company provide outstanding customer service – and succeed in this increasingly competitive industry!

Call Center KPIs blog header
Customer Service

10 Call Center KPIs You Need to Be Tracking

Discover the 10 call center KPIs you should be tracking if you want to keep your call center operating at peak efficiency while delivering outstanding customer service.

Call Center Abandonment Rate Blog
Customer Service

5 Strategies to Reduce Your Team's Call Abandon Rate

Reducing call abandon rates can take your call center one step closer to enhanced efficiency and higher customer satisfaction. Find out how.

Call center 1.png
Customer Service

Call Center Trends to Shape 2024

New technological advancements are shaping call centers' future. Discover upcoming call center trends and stay ahead of the game!

SMART Goals Call Center Teams Blog Header
Customer Service

5 Steps to Set SMART Goals in Your Call Center Teams

SMART goals can help your call center teams overcome challenges to productivity and performance. Here’s how to create them effectively.

Cold Calling Tips blog header #1
Sales performance

The 9 Best Cold Calling Tips

Stay relevant to today’s consumers and get the most out of your efforts with these nine cold calling tips to use before, during, and after each call.

Customer Service Obstacles 1.png
Customer Service

7 Obstacles Between You and Customer Service Success

Providing outstanding customer service is critically important for a successful business. Learn how to overcome barriers to providing effective customer service!

Blog - The Salesperson's Guide to GDPR
Mejora tus Ventas

Los 5 mejores KPIs para telemarketing y call centers

Estos son los 5 mejores KPIs que medir para tu call center y equipo de telemarketing

Boost performance with real-time insights

Plecto is a data visualization software that helps you motivate your employees to reach new limits and stay on top of your business.