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Value of Won Deals

Amount of money your new client’s account is worth.

Value of Won Deals

What is Value of Won Deals?

This KPI shows you the monetary value of your new clients’ recently opened account. This provides you with an overview of the income you can expect for the following days or months, as well as the total worth of your clients. You can, therefore, see, for instance, whether you are opening more expensive accounts or if bigger companies are starting to use your product - and also the exact opposite.

You can set it so that this KPI is displayed in your office TV as soon as you get a new client, so your employees can take some credit for the new sale as well. It doesn’t require any calculations, because it basically shows the client’s name and its value.

In order to display a more accurate metric, you can also show the Value of Won Deals per employee, so that it triggers a friendly competition among the sales team to be in the top 3. If you prefer to see your business’ evolution in this regard, you can as well display the progress over the last period, to be able to compare the positive or negative changes your company has had lately.

Pre-built widgets to display Value of Won Deals

Value of Won Deals per Employee


Value of Won Deals per Employee

Value of Won Deals


Value of Won Deals

Value of Won Deals


Value of Won Deals

Value of Won Deals

month to date

Value of Won Deals

How to calculate Value of Won Deals?
    Sum(Won Deal,Amount).Date(Close Date)

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