What is an account manager dashboard?

An account manager dashboard, also called an account executive dashboard in certain industries, provides salespeople with a comprehensive overview of their accounts enabling them to measure their individual performance.

Unlike our other sales dashboard examples that focus on team performance, this dashboard equips individual account managers with real-time metrics to monitor their own impact on revenue generation.

Just click below to see a real-time sales account manager dashboard in action. ⬇️

Sales Account Manager Dashboard example

Why account manager dashboards improve your reps' performance

Centralized Data Overview

Account managers will likely have dozens of different customer accounts to juggle, meaning that it can be tough to keep track of the status of their customers. With an account manager dashboard, you can pull data from your CRM, as well as other systems that you are using to get all your key insights in one place. This optimizes your time, and gives you one single source of truth when it comes to your sales data.

Better sales performance

This dashboard enables you to do so much more than simply a data overview With a full overview of your pipeline, account managers can better identify which deals to focus on and which prospects to follow up with. Our example dashboard includes widgets for opportunity status, forecasting and deals grouped by stage, ensuring seamless identification of actionable prospects.

Boosted productivity

Similarly, with all of the KPIs and data in one place, the account manager's dashboard makes their daily activities a lot more straightforward. This simplicity results in boosted productivity and efficiency - giving more time for account managers to sell and build customer relationships.

Sales Account Manager Dashboards at a glance

Who is it for?

The go-to dashboard for all sales account managers.

What does it measure?

All stages of an account manager's pipeline, from opportunity status to deals closed.

What is it great for?

Centralizing an account manager's activities onto one screen.

What KPIs should I include?

With this dashboard, it's ideal to keep it simple and focus on the metrics that are at the core of individual performance. Here are some examples that we have included in our dashboard example:

  • Closed Sales

Arguably the most crucial KPI for Sales Account Managers, this measures the value of deals that have been closed over a certain period of time.

  • Deals Grouped by Stage

Keeps track of the different stages of and calculates the value if all deals were to close.

  • Closed vs Quota

A perfect fit for a line chart, this measures the an account manager's target vis-à-vis their targets.

  • Sales Forecast

This KPI breaks down the different stages of an account manager's pipeline, displaying, their quota, amount already closed, expected to close and the sum of these.

Of course, the responsibilities of an account manager can vary significantly. In many industries, an account manager is also responsible for sustaining customer relationships beyond the buying process. If this aligns with your role, then it might be worth checking out our Customer Retention Dashboard example.