What is the Number of New Balance Transactions?

The Number of New Balance Transactions shows in real time the number of transactions made on the company’s balance, allowing you to easily keep an eye on your finances. This KPI also allows you to stay on top of your expenses and quickly act on them whenever needed.

Number of New Balance Transactions is a relevant KPI for your finance team to track.

Why is the Number of New Balance Transactions important?

The Number of New Balance Transactions is an important KPI, as there are different transactions you or your employees can make with the company’s credit card.

This KPI takes into account payments, purchases, transfers, fees, and any other transaction that your company needs. These expenses will impact your next balance, since they’ll determine the amount of money that you have left after the billing period.

Other KPIs similar to Number of New Balance Transactions include:

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Stripe Stripe

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