Stay on top of your subscription metrics

The subscription-based model has boomed in recent years. From software to internet providers to even bikes, the subscription model is proving a lucrative business model for companies to generate more revenue.

Centralizing your subscription metrics onto dashboards enables the whole company to stay aligned on performance and working towards a common goal.

Subscription Overview Dashboard

What is this dashboard great for?

This dashboard is built to answer the key questions to your subscription business, including:

  • What is our recurring revenue?
  • How many subscribers do we have and where are they coming from?
  • How much are we growing?

This is a high-level, "big picture" dashboard, that is essential daily viewing for the CEO, CFO as well as Revenue Officers.

Support Dashboard for Subscription Teams

Delight - and retain - your customers

The subscription industry can be a fickle one. With many customers paying monthly, so much as one bad customer experience can cause a customer to end their commitment. That's why it's more important than ever that customers' queries and responded to quickly and efficiently.

This dashboard solves this problem. By providing support agents and managers with real-time performance insights, team members are easily able to identify any emerging service-level issues and take action.

Subscription Sales Agent Dashboard

Perfect for pipeline and activity management

Sales reps working for subscription-based companies have numerous tasks to juggle and various KPIs to hit. This dashboard centralizes these KPIs, pinpointing exactly how they are performing and identifying which KPIs are on target and which need to be work.

This dashboard enables reps to stay up to speed with their activities. What's more, this dashboard is a Dynamic Dashboard - meaning that reps can easily toggle between their individual KPIs and that of the whole team.