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Number of New Requested Changes

Amount of alterations of some kind that have been demanded over the last period.

Number of New Requested Changes

What is Number of New Requested Changes?

This KPI is often used by the development team, although each company has its own procedures for internal requests made. It will show the count of the changes made in the last period measured, it being a day, a week, a month - or any other period that fits your particular context better.

In order to customize it to your business model, you can define your concept for “requested changes”. For some companies, it might be just the act of asking or submitting it on the website, although for others it might actually be the ones that have been considered to be accepted or denied.

Lastly, you can set this KPI so that it shows the total amount of changes requested in total or, if you have certain employees working specifically on this, you can as well show the count of submissions made per employee. Furthermore, you can choose to show the evolution of your requests over time, compared to the last period measured.

Pre-built widgets to display Number of New Requested Changes

Number of New Changes vs Last Month

month to date

Number of New Changes vs Last Month

Number of New Changes


Number of New Changes

Number of New Changes per Employee


Number of New Changes per Employee

How to calculate Number of New Requested Changes?
Count(New Change).Date(Created Date)
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