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Sum of Billable Amount

Total profit you get from companies hiring your consultants.

Sum of Billable Amount

What is Sum of Billable Amount?

Especially relevant for consultants or law firms where certain employees can be temporarily hired by another company to get a specific job done.

This KPI will show you the total amount your company is earning from other organizations hiring your consultants. This way, you can easily check this month’s performance, and also compare it to past months to get a better insight into your employees’ billable hours.

Moreover, you can use this KPI together with Average Billable Rate to get the full overview of your income in real-time, as well as providing your employees with the most accurate data about their performance.

Pre-built widgets to display Sum of Billable Amount

Total Billable Amount


Total Billable Amount

Total Billable Amount


Total Billable Amount

How to calculate Sum of Billable Amount?
Sum(New Time Entry,Total Billable Amount)
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