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Ad Spend per Won Deal

The cost of advertising that takes the company to get a new customer.

Ad Spend per Won Deal

What is Ad Spend per Won Deal?

This KPI calculates how much your company spends on ads until it gets a new customer. It does not mean that’s the amount that you should be spending, but rather your current situation in this regard.

Overall, this metric gives you a better understanding of whether your ad spends to get a customer is too high. If this happens, it may mean that you are allocating too many resources in a tool that is not giving you enough benefit. Therefore, this KPI basically compares your spending in a specific tool compared with the customers you are getting from it.

With this KPI you will be able to have an overview of where your budget for advertising is going, and which are the tools that are performing best - and worst. If checked regularly, you will be able to adapt the strategy in order to get better results with the same budget.

Pre-built widgets to display Ad Spend per Won Deal

Ad Spend per Won Deal


Ad Spend per Won Deal

How to calculate Ad Spend per Won Deal?
    Sum(New Ad Spend Report,Spend) / 
    Count(Won Deal)

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